How It Works

The CoolSculpting procedure is proven, safe, and effective. Get wow results and love how your clothes fit better, feel better, and look better.

Years ago, scientists at Harvard University observed that some children who ate popsicles got dimples in their cheeks. The scientists—Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD—realized that the popsicles were freezing and eliminating small pockets of fat cells.

The idea that cold can target fat cells—without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue—was the insight behind Cryolipolysis®, the proven science on which the CoolSculpting procedure is based.

The science is proven. The technology is proven. After many years of research, you can feel confident that the CoolSculpting procedure is based on sound science. Leading researchers and doctors have published more than 100 peer-reviewed publications.


Many of us have stubborn fat despite diet and exercise.

CoolSculpting technology uses controlled cooling to target and kill only these fat cells.

In the weeks to follow, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates dead cells.

CoolSculpting results are long term,* because treated fat cells are gone for good.

Fat Elimination After the CoolSculpting Procedure

Fat cells that are frozen during the CoolSculpting procedure gradually die off and leave the body through the body’s natural elimination process. That’s why the results are long-term. The fat is gone for good! Untreated areas will have no change in fat cell distribution.

The CoolSculpting procedure safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. Treated fat cells are crystalized (frozen), then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you.

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